
Monday, November 24, 2008


That cough I treated with slushies and chicken soup turned out to be bronchitis. Most of my family has been sick with bronchitis and pneumonia. Having learned that pneumonia is contagious, I will be more aware from now on. We are all on the mend after major drugs, and even though I had to cancel one Friday Night Free for All, we are back on schedule now.

This past Friday we gathered at the new location and everyone likes the new digs. It is so much easier to keep clean and is brightly lit. I can seat 6 to 8 quilters comfortably and a few more if they don't mind rubbing elbows.

BFG's gathers tonight to work on our ninth block of the NQA block of the month. It's my turn to have the block done ahead of time so, of course, I did it today. It's really a pretty block. I find that I have to square up each unit to 4-1/2 inches before I put the blocks together as nine patches, or it won't work. It amounts to shaving off no more than an eighth of an inch but seems to make a big difference, and this way I don't lose any points when I put the blocks together with the sashing and cornerstones.

I have the prettiest t-shirt quilt on the longarm. (That's a statement you don't hear very often.) The t-shirts are all from long distance runs and marathons, sashed in turquoise, with a border of running fabric in the same turquise and greens on cream. It really is quite attractive and is the last one I must finish before Thanksgiving.

Still have a line-up for before Christmas though! No matter how hard I try, the Christmas deadline always sneaks up on me and I find myself coming in early, staying late, and working on Sunday afternoons to get them all done. It's a good time to make extra money though so no whining. Therefore, don't ask, I can't squeeze in another quilt before Christmas. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I think retreat is a funny name to describe an event which so recharges everyone I know. Retreat implies defeat to me and certainly every road trip I have ever taken was a success, one way or another. This past weekend spent at a borrowed home in Lakeside, Ohio was no different. Rosie, Denise, and I drove up on Thursday afternoon, arriving after dark, but that little community still manages to be beautiful. It rained most of the time but we didn't care; we were quilting! Rosie and Denise found some time to walk down to Lake Erie and enjoy the scenery even in the rain. I passed, hoping that my cough would get better. I doctored it with wine slushies and Rosie's homemade chicken noodle soup, and it seems to have worked.

We worked on separate projects on Friday and Saturday morning, but on Saturday afternoon we started in on the real purpose of our trip -- cutting and organizing the kits for the Heart of Ohio Quilters Guild Retreat next February. We took a break to enjoy dinner, meeting Denise's niece and friend at the Nagoya Steak House -- one of our favorites -- it's like dinner and a show --and then were able to finish the kits after dinner.

The hardest part of any recharge is that it ends. Sunday morning we sewed for a few hours and then packed up, cleaned up, and were on the road by noon. Appreciative that someone was willing to share their Lakeside getaway with us, we could endure the trip home and all the duties that awaited us when we got there. We were recharged!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Final Challenge!

Heavy Metal Quilting is moved, slowly being unpacked and starting to look like a place to quilt. It wasn't easy though. After three days of packing and loading the van and driving across the street and unloading the van, over and over again, there was only one final challenge -- the heavy stuff that I and my women friends could not carry. Rose Mary, Kendra, Denise, Khris, and Virginia are the best but we could not carry the machine, its steel 12 foot table, the library table used as a cutting table, or the largest storage unit. The most difficult is alway the steel table -- it's awkward, it's unforgiving, and it's heavy. It's time for the MEN.

The first time I moved the shop, it was from an old victorian house to a building that had previously been the post office -- both with nice extra-wide doors. The second time, I moved into a refinished garage, complete with garage door -- no problem just stroll through the garage d00r with the table. This time the shop moved into an office space with an entry way, the office space itself and a bathroom. The work space is like a T with the bathroom taking a chunk out on the left and the entry way taking its chunk out on the right. The entry way has a door from the outside and a door into the right hand side of the T work space.

I was fortunate enough to be helped by four men: my son-in-law, my son-in-law's Dad, and two quilters' husbands. Also three women and myself were there to help accomplish this final challenge. Leaving the old shop was pretty easy, open up that garage door and shove that table onto the open trailer provided by Khris's husband Jeff. Denise volunteers to stay on the trailer and hold on to stuff so it won't move ( I think she's crazy as how is she going to stop that table if it shifts, but fortunately nothing does. She enjoys the trip and does the queen wave the whole way.) At the new shop Jeff backs up to the front door and is really a bit too close as we need to take the table off and turn it before we take it into the shop. Instead of his pulling forward and then removing the table, they take half the table off and have him pull forward as Denise and Cease, Virginia's husband, walk the back part off. I am now oficially getting nervous. But again all is well. The table is off the trailer and turned in the right direction to be taken into the 400 square foot shop.

After several measurements, I had forewarned the guys that the outer door would have to be removed and then it would be clear sailing. After a consult and a gathering of tools, the door was off. As we tried to carry the complete table into the new space, it suddenly became obvious that my measuring was incorrect. Looking at the two metal rollers that cantilever out to the side of the table, my men decided they just needed to take one roller off and it would be fine. Fortunately Jeff is the king of all tools and had everything needed. The table started forward again and there was success until the end of the table which has more thingamajigs on it than the other reached the outer door, the table was stuck again. This also left one man trapped in the shop and all others outside discussing what to take off the table now. My son-in-law Jason climbed under the table and between the doors to rescue his dad Gary and help him lift the rest of the table. Have I mentioned this table is really heavy, made of steel, and not on wheels, which if I ever move it again, it has been suggested that I purchase some. The men decided to remove the second roller cantilevered on the side of the table but only at the rear where it was stuck. We were good to go!

But the big concern now is not getting it through the outer door, but turning the 12 foot table toward the center of the T as it comes through the second door. This turn being difficult never entered my mind but it was and by less that an inch we made the turn! Whew!

Now Jeff puts it all back together, and the only bolt lost is one I had taken off to remove the center roller which allows the sewing head to be removed for the trip. The rollers are back on, the sewing head is back on. I plug it in, sew a few stitches; all is well!

I am so grateful to my friends for their help. The only thing that could make it better would be if we'd had a video camera.