
Sunday, August 28, 2011


Almost a year ago, I asked my two daughters and their husbands to help with cleaning out the garage as I had to get it emptier so that a new garage door could be installed. Over the years it had become a dumping ground for anyuthing either one of them didn't want to take home as well as things discarded but not thrown away by Joe and me.

So Lisa packed up or threw away all of her many college boxes; Laura took home her children's bikes and a few boxes; then they threw away stuff. I was not well enough to help at the time because of my knees. I think I was recovering from my first surgery. So there was no supervision whatsoever by me. That seemed like a good thing at the time as even the three steps to the garage were painful.

My first twinge came when I realized the old child's rocking chair had gone; my mom had bought it for Laura and it had been Lisa's. I got over it as it certainly wasn't of heirloom quality, and someone would fix it up and use it as it disappeared almost immediately from the pile of junk next to the driveway.

I really haven't missed much else until today. An entire box of flooring that matches the flooring in my house is gone. Not gone are the leftover shingles from the roofing that was done 15 years ago, the small pieces of wood that came from the deck in the back of the house over 20 years ago, at least 15 dried out cans of paint, a rusted bed frame, the bag of sequined stiletto heels and tap dance shoes. Sigh, go figure.

It's not that big of deal and I will find something to match the flooring. But I've learned my lesson. This is why I don't give up control easily. I still appreciate the help of my family but the rest of the cleaning out will be done by me. Which is ok as I now have two good knees and can do it myself. Ta Dah!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Day of School, 2011

For nine days straight we have had our two older grandchildren. That's not a complaint really. When they don't show up tomorrow, Joe and I will be lonely for sure. Saturday and Sunday we also had 18 month old Jack. It was a lot of fun. The only downside is that it reminds me of how old I am. My greatest achievements are that I can get up out of a chair while still holding Jack and that I can keep Kai and Quinn occupied for nine days in a row. It involved 9 breakfasts, 9 lunches, 18 snacks, two dinners; we made cupcakes, brownies, and chocolate chip cookies. There were trips to several libraries and sewing at the shop.

It's probably a good thing that school starts tomorrow for them. They have their school supplies and uniforms all set. I really wish my girls had worn uniforms; it would have made things so much easier and cheaper! Both girls had enough clothing to carpet their bedrooms three times over and sometimes did.

Not having to buy new school clothes still bothers Joe. He's retired but still on that school schedule somehow and looking forward to substitute teaching again this year. He takes a bag of candy with him to school when he subs and rewards the kids when they behave or get their work done. I tease him that he better be careful giving candy to little kids, but I used to do it when I taught seniors, too. There's something about tootsie rolls that motivates even twelfth graders. This summer we've actually had a few neighborhood kids drop by to see if Joe has any candy around and he received several crayon drawn thank you notes. Somehow he's still got the magic and I'm glad he still enjoys subbing.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Today I am going to see The Help with my friend Denise. I'm really looking forward to it even though I haven't read the book. I wanted to but it's $16 in paperback and 450 people on the list at the library. A movie release will do that to a book.

Last week I went to see the final chapter of the Harry Potter series twice, once with daughter Laura and her family and once with Denise. I loved it both times!

Why don't I go to the movies more often, when I enjoy it so much? Partly because Joe doesn't ever want to go and partly because it's rather expensive.

I have, however, discovered a cheaper way to go. I don't hesitate to claim my senior discount even when it's only fifty cents some times. I don't get popcorn and I don't get a drink. I would love to get the popcorn but it costs $5 for a small. If I get the salty, buttered popcorn, I have to get the drink for $5. If I get the drink, I have to leave the movie in the middle and pee. So it's economy plus getting to see the whole movie.

Of course, it is more fun to watch a movie with someone even when it's at home. Joe and I watched the third Bourne movie last night on tv. He was in his lair and I was in the living room. We were just far enough away from each other that he couldn't pester me with questions that I would have no way of answering if I hadn't seen the movie before. The last movie we watched together in the living room was Knight and Day which was called an adventure comedy. It wasn't a laugh riot (code for really bad movie at the Whyte house) and we actually enjoyed it. This film came via Netflix which I am probably going to drop since we don't watch enough movies at home to make it worth the money.

When going to the movies at a theater, I am lucky that often Denise is up for going to a chick flick accompanied by lunch. I am definitely going to attend more movies even if I have to go by myself.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Enquiring Minds

I went to Krogers today and while killing time in the check out line, I checked out the Enquirer to decide whether or not to buy Joe one. He loves to read the National Enquirer and I break down and buy him one about every other week. Almost always the cover page tells all. Is it an issue about everyone's cellulite or their sexuality? Are we concerned about who's having a baby or who's getting divorced? Several other similar mags had cover pages of Jennifer Aniston's being pregnant, but not the Enquirer so who's right? If the Enquirer doesn't have it, it can't be true, can it?

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Number one among the things that are so stupid that only a committee of men could have thought them up is polygamy in the 21st century. Originally, I'm sure plural marriage had a practical aspect. The more members of the family, whether wives or children, the more workers in the fields and in the house. Non-Mormans even practiced a form of it. Every time I look at the over 100 year old cemetery in Dawes Arboretum, I see evidence of it. One man, four wives who died one after the other, and about ten children, some who died at birth or in infancy. He had his plural wives in a straight line but his intent was the same. Ok, 100 years ago, 200 years ago, I get it.

But now? Marriage is one of the most difficult things people do. When I was working full time, I often joked that I needed a wife to help out at home. But honestly, the dynamics of such a relationship are crazy. It's hard enought to keep one wife happy, according to Joe who actually didn't always do such a great job at that. But right back at you, JW. It's almost impossible some days to keep that one husband amused. I certainly would never have wanted plural husbands, but you notice that's not the recognized way of polygamy.

Back to that 21st century committee of men. That group was made up of perverts, abusers, control freaks, and just plain stupid. I am so glad these men are being prosecuted and found guilty.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Family Reunion

Every summer my brother and I gather our families together for a day of fun and games. This past Saturday we all met at Tuscora Park in New Philadelphia. Tuscora Park is totally family friendly with rides aimed at younger children, playgrounds, a pool, and lots of open space for running and kicking balls. Bill's family always outnumbers mine even when not everyone can attend. All nine of the Whytes were in attendance but Bill's possible number with 14 grandchildren will always win. Not that we're competitive or anything. Ha!

The first contest was the card game Spoons. I suddenly noticed that many of the younger family members and my husband had gathered around a table to play. One at a time the participants left the game with a disgruntled expression, none more so that Joe. One of Bill's grandchildren was the winner.

The second tournament was Scrabble, played with partners, and by the look on Joe's face, these kids had been practicing. That was won by Bill's granddaughter Kelsey and her boyfriend, both students at Kent State. Joe was again unhappy as he didn't approve of their Scrabble dictionary nor words such as "qi."

The last game being more physical, I had to count on my children and granchildren to redeem the Whyte name. Throwing a bean bag at a board with a hole in it seems simple enough but the scoring was complicated and I never did quite figure it out. My last hold out in the tournament was my son-in-law Jason but he lost in the finals. Again Bill's family won!

Where was I in all this friendly fire? Talking to people I don't see as often as I'd like, playing kickball with our grandson Jack, laughing at all the others, and enjoying the wonderful food. As well as the traditional hot dogs and hamburgers, we had a southern influenced picnic with baked lima beans, cheesy grits, pickled cucumbers and onions, and deep fried okra! Bill brought his deep fryer from home and fried up the okra right there. It was wonderful.

I look forward to next summer's picnic! Maybe I'll have to work with my family for a bit of revenge in these tournaments, but I'm sure Joe will still be complaining about the Scrabble tournament even then.

Friday, August 5, 2011


I haven't written for a while, lots of reasons but none very important; the topics that have come to mind just felt too mean-spirited some days to share.

It's been a normal summer with physical therapy finally ending, occasionally watching the grandkids, and complaining about the miserable heat. This week Joe and I have been grandkid watching with a schedule of the 11 year old in the morning and the 6 year old in the afternoon. They've been attending an Arts Mess Camp and having a lot of fun. It's been a gas hog with going and coming but I don't mind as we've been eating packed lunches at a gorgeous little park in Granville where they can run around for a bit before either going to camp or home to hang out with PapPap.

I've also managed to get several quilt tops finished for the Heart of Ohio Quilt Show which will feature some of my quilts in October. I only have two to finish: one is in process of being quilted on the longarm machine and the other is still in pieces. That one may not make it to the show.

I've started a schedule of knee exercise at home, 25 minutes of stationary bike, and 5 minutes of stretching and bending the left knee which never has gone much pas 90 degrees of bend. My goal is not to allow it to lose any bend and to hopefully gain a few degrees. I am also trying to get back into a regular schedule of quilting two or three quilts a week which I have a better chance of doing than getting my knee to bend.