
Friday, May 8, 2009

Notes to Me

In my purse is a small blue notebook of lined paper; it's a Mary Englebreit product which proclaims "Queen of Everything," on the cover. When it's totally filled up, I will pitch it in a drawer and find another small notebook. I've gone through tons of these, most not as nice as the one I am currently carrying. It's not a diary, it's not a journal, it's just a place to scribble notes that seem important at the time. I keep notes on quilts I want to make, fabrics needed, grocery lists, recipes from novels I am reading, lists of books I want from the library, general to do lists, weekly menus (ha, that never works), Christmas gift lists, notes from meetings. And that's just what's in the current notebook.

Every now and then there's a work of art. Kai when he was younger and now Quinn often wanted something to write on and knew I always had a notebook and writing utensils. Maybe it's from being an English teacher for 30 some years, but I do always have those things in my purse. Their scribbles, pictures, first attempts at writing their names intersperse my more serious note-taking. Looking back through a notebook for something I know I wrote down, I love the surprise of finding their entries even if I don't find that important information I was looking for.

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