
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Just An Update!

Technology is not always my friend! The Gammil is up and running but the computer is down. The computer is working but the modem died. It's somewhat of a vicious cycle. As of right this moment, everything in my studio is working. It's a little scary wondering what will happen next.

I am currently working hard to quilt my own quilts for the Heart of Ohio Guild show in October as well as the customer quilts that have accumulated while Joe was recuperating. He is doing better but still not driving or back to regular activity. It amazes me how much longer it takes me to get out of the house in the morning just to get everything done before I leave. I literally changed my opening hours from 9:30 to 10 am because I couldn't get here on time. He is working hard on rehab and doing his share when he can.

It's always fun to quilt my own quilts. The first one done is "NQA BOM 2008 with the BFG's"--that stands for the National Quilt Association Block of the Month 2008 with the Bodacious Fabric Goddesses, my quilting friends who meet once a month at the shop. It's very bright and I used a variegated thread and did a simple meander. I found an amazing wild fabric to put on the back with all the bright colors from the quilt itself. When I went on the local shop hop, my goal was to find backings for three of the five quilts I am trying to get done. I found a great black and white print for my black and red mystery, a black with gold for my angel wallhanging, and the wild one for the BOM. For my trip around the world, I already have a varied gray backing, and have a SewBatik red for the 30's quilt sampler. You may have noticed a red and black theme -- it's definitely my colors.

Now to the binding! Every quilt I am doing for the show needs black binding. So I bought several yards of Kona black solid and am making yards of binding. I am hoping to finish them all by hand but the last one may end up getting finished by machine the night before the quilts are due. Hmm, back to work or I will be doing that for sure.

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