
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Being a Bump

We're on the last week and a half of the dash to the retreat. Denise, Rosie, and I are whirling with ideas and last minute details so that the 2010 Retreat on the 12th, 13th, and 14th of February will run smoothly, and we will also have some fun and some time for our own sewing. We are turning the reins over to someone else for next year's retreat so we can just be bumps (you know, bumps on a log).

All three of us are a bit burned out and are trying for major bumpage next year. However, I am going to be working on the webpage (; Rosie's already agreed to help with the retreat 2011, and Denise will probably let all her free time get swallowed up by her involvements with her students at Licking Valley High School.

Being a bump is hard when you are used to being involved and having your opinion heard. So we will see if these threee bumps are able to lay low for more than a year.

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