
Thursday, December 16, 2010


My problem today is minor compared to the real issues but it's driving me crazy. I loaned my van to my son-in-law for the day, and I'm trapped at the house.

Now, it's snowing so I don't know that I would even go out today, but it makes me itchy to know that I can't. His car caught fire in his driveway yesterday afternoon, and I loaned the van so he could get back to work and make arrangements for the rest of the week. I have to have it back for getting to rehab tomorrow and Free for All Friday night so it's not a long term thing.

When I couldn't drive and was dependent on Joe, it was very stressful as well. One evening I had to wait for him to pick me up at the house so we could go to an event for the kids, and even though he wasn't late, I started getting really impatient. It made me wonder how my Mom stood it because she never drove (except during World War II) and was always dependent on others.

So I feel trapped. Silly, huh?

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