
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Survivor's Guilt

I am having a difficult time reconciling my safe and pleasant life with what is happening to the people in Japan. It's not the first time I have been bewildered by this dichotomy of normal life in my little house in Dogwood Lakes and what is normal elsewhere.

I find myself turning off the local news as I just can't care as much about budget issues and construction zones when I know thousands of men's, women's, and children's bodies are washing ashore in Japan. And adding to the misery of the survivors is the frigidly cold weather and the nuclear reactor failures.

I know it's not my fault that Japan is suffering or that women in many countries are virtually prisoners of their own cultures or that simple freedoms are denied to all members of some countries, but I feel some guilt. Here I am observing these horrendous events from my secure, warm couch, watching it all unfold on the tv.

I know there will be effects on our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren from this. The ripples are small but they will grow larger much like the tsunamai already felt by the Japanese.

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