
Friday, January 14, 2011

A Bit of This and That

At the end of every rehab session, Dave puts ice on my knee for 10 minutes and then heat for the same. It's great and really makes my knee feel capable of walking out the door without my cringing at each step. But most people enjoy lying flat on a table in a dark room while doing this. Not me, I prefer to sit in a chair and out in the common room. I am a daylight person.

And I'm nibby; I want to know what's going on and maybe even comment on it. Today I had a conversation with a woman who's four weeks behind me in rehab and is planning on having her second knee done in February. It was interesting to compare notes about different doctors and procedures although both our doctors are from the same large practice in Columbus.

Monday I have my last follow up appointment for my right knee and more or less my first decision-making appointment for my left. I would like to wait until April 6th for this surgery, but I don't know what the doctor will propose and I don't want to do major damage beyond what's already done by waiting too long Actually I would be willing to have it as early as February 23rd if I could actually have it on that exact date. That would give me a month to recuperate before Jack's first birthday. I would miss some Guild events in March but that would be ok as long as I could be ready for Jack's birthday. I can't believe my baby grandson will be a year old. He gets cuter every day!

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