
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

No Thank You!

What is so hard about saying, "Thank you," for men, particularly the one I married? Although, yes, I grumbled about it, I transferred some money from my savings to our checking account to cover his pharmacy bill, and no thank you. Now he's also picking up a prescription for me, and when I get it from him, I will have to bite my tongue not to say, "Thank you."

In the past three months at various times, I have thanked him for doing my laundry, making dinner for the two of us, helping me in and out of the car, driving me places, going to the grocery store, and other mundane chores that normally I do with no thanks whatsoever. I will admit that each year I do get a mushy birthday card, Christmas card, and Mother's Day card with lots of thank you's. So three times a year, he manages to say, "Thank you," without opening his mouth.

He's also incapable of saying "I'm sorry," which is a whole other thing. I think it's a male-female deal but still very irritating.

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